Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hello World!

My author name for this exercise is Millie River. I have decided to challenge myself to doing 5 good deeds a week (random act of kindness). I have read/heard that if you do one good deed a day, it could literally transform your life. I believe that and I am willing to put it to the test and come back here to report my own personal experiences, people's reactions and my personal transformation through self awareness/discoveries.

This might sound like a simple thing to do but as I thought about it, for me, it will NOT be easy. I like living my life in my own small world where it's comfortable. Right now my life is about me, my kids and my work. I mind my own business and people give me the same respect. Plus it's not easy to find an opportunity to do a good deed everyday. I'll have to look outside of my world and come out of my sheltered box. Yikes! It means meeting new people, talking to strangers, and occasionally act crazy because "kindness" is not common occurance anymore.. unfortunately...or is it?

After I came up with this idea, I spent the past 2 days thinking about the amount of work and anxiety this will take from me. As I went about my day, running errands, I realized how desensitized and oblivious I am to what is going on around me. All of the sudden I was made aware of how my daily thoughts are automatic and I spend a lot time justifying my actions, and focusing on things that doesn't really matter. A couple of times I realized that I'm not even as nice as I thought I was. Interesting what you find out when you stop and notice your thoughts and actions. If just the thought of writing this blog can impact me this way, imagine if I went through this whole exercise in a long period of time!? Well, I'm going for it, hence this first post.

I have to do this because it is what I would rather NOT do. This is outside of my comfort zone. I'm also hoping that blogging my thoughts & emotions will help me be more open in my own personal life. I love my privacy and everything about this exercise is a huge stretch for my personality and will be a learning experience for me. Ultimately, I'm hoping to grow from this experience.

Couple of rules for me:

I have to do 5 good deeds a week Sun. - Sat.
I have to write about my experience and share it with you.

So there it is. I hope you stick around and join me on my journey of self discovery and transformation. We also get to help others along the way. Notice how I am not giving myself a timeline. Well that’s because I’m not sure how long I can keep up with this.

Sleepy and excited,


  1. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama

    I am inspired and intrigued by your blog. I am looking forward to the ah-ha moment of self discovery. I also wanted to share the following site for those who are inspired by your blog but are limited in ideas on what to do as random acts of kindness.


  2. Kindness is one of the best gifts you can give someone and yourself at the same time.

  3. The topic of your blog is unique and simply inspiring! My first detailed visit to your blog and I really like your writing style as well as the diversity of topics. Happy blogging :)


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